Building Decisions: How Choosing By Advantages Drives Project Success
Decision-making is critical in many industries. Leaders make decisions daily, often hyper focusing on cost at the expense of value for society and the environment. Unfortunately, project teams are poorly equipped to make decisions, and many prefer to avoid conflicts instead of having healthy discussions based on different perspectives. The good news is that we can learn ways of making decisions that drive better outcomes. Decisions are especially relevant in the construction industry, given the scale and long-term impact its projects create worldwide.
This book presents a practical framework and guidelines for group decision-making where multiple stakeholders have to come to a resolution. The authors introduce the reader to the Choosing by Advantages (CBA) decision-making system, explaining its principles and methods. The authors provide relatable examples, such as choosing a phone and renovating a kitchen. The book also includes case studies of large construction projects from the author's professional careers, including a museum in San Francisco, a tunnel in England, and the main railway station in Munich, to explain the CBA method. These varied examples will equip the reader with actionable tools to improve their own decision-making process through critical reflection.
We are excited to have partner with Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group!
Publishing date is May 5th 2025.
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Efficient decision-making is key to project success. Every project team makes many decisions impacting the project’s outcome. Evidently, decisions made in early planning and design phases are more impactful than later decisions during construction where potential changes are limited and often more costly or risky.
A significant part of Lean Construction 4.0 is the extensive use of smart and digital technologies, which will lead to a growth in data acquisition and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). At the same time, Lean Construction advocates for respect for people.
Lean Construction does not specifically prescribe a particular decision-making method. However, several research studies do show that Choosing By Advantages (CBA), originally developed by Jim Suhr, is an appropriate decision-making method for project teams that seek to build collaboration, transparency, and consensus.
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